
Buy westone guitar
Buy westone guitar

buy westone guitar

Upper mids of W60-2 are now closer to W80-2 in tonality, but W80-2 is a little more forward, giving W80-2 a more refined W-signature. Lower mids are a little north of neutral, with a little more body, but still giving enough room for upper-mids to be transparent, more resolving, more layered, and still sounding natural and detailed. Bass extends deep with a nice level of rumble, has a strong articulate mid-bass punch, and overall low end is well layered and controlled, with a faster attack/decay speed in comparison to W60-2. The soundstage of W80-2 is quite wide and has a nice out of your head depth, the sound just wraps around you, but still has a realistic spacing/imaging. W80-2 is still at the flagship level of performance, but the gap between W80-2 and retuned W60-2 is a little closer now. As a result of these differences in bass and treble, W60-2 is more balanced while Pro50-2 is more v-shaped. Treble is where they differ again, with W60-2 being a little smoother and more controlled, while Pro50-2 being brighter and with a little more sparkle. Mids are very similar, the same closer to neutral lower mids and resolving more transparent upper mids. Bass is very similar in quality with both having a deeper rumble and stronger punch, but Pro50-2 has even stronger impact, hitting harder, while W60-2 bass is a little more relaxed. Soundstage expansion here is very similar, in both width and depth. W60-2 vs Pro50-2 – I thought this might be an interesting comparison as well. The difference is quite noticeable in this comparison, especially when listening to vocals where W60-2 sounds more resolving, less colored, more audiophile quality tuned. In comparison, the upper mids/vocals of W60-1 sound warmer, not as resolving, and a little more pulled back. As a result, W60-2 sounds less colored, more resolving, a little less laidback, but still natural in tonality. Mids is where I hear the biggest difference, with W60-2 being more neutral and more transparent while W60-1 being thicker with more body. Bass in W60-2 sounds tighter and more controlled, especially the transition into lower mids where I’m hearing W60-2 mid-bass having a faster/shorter decay, while the original W60-1 spills a little bit into lower mids. W60-2 soundstage has a wider perception, perhaps with a help of SPC cable, but either way it’s noticeable. W60-2 vs W60-1 – I hear a very interesting change here, something you don’t appreciate as much until you compare one to the other. Also, in this comparison SPC cable gives a perception of a blacker background. W60-2 with Silver-plated vs Epic cable – Similar consistent difference as I have found in W40-2 comparison, where I’m hearing a soundstage being a little wider with SPC cable and mids/vocals sounding a little more revealing. Overall signature is nicely balanced, more W-shaped here. The treble is well defined and well controlled, not as crisp as W40-2, sounds even more natural. Lower mids have a nice body but still closer to neutral, and upper mids are more resolving, more detailed, more layered, but still smooth and natural with a slightly pulled back presentation, a little less forward in comparison to W40-2, perhaps due to a more elevated bass impact. Low end sub-bass rumble goes deeper, sounds more textured, and mid-bass adds more to the punch, with an overall bass impact being more elevated and hitting harder. The soundstage is wide and has a good out of your head depth expansion, being wider than W40-2. I'm just an ex-pat from the other side of the pond.W60-2 steps up from W40-2 tuning to the next level with the following changes. YOU WILL LOVE THE FEATURES AND THE SOUND AND THE QUALITY!īut then again, what do I know. A Westone in good to great shape will always be better then the piece of rubbish Squier.

#Buy westone guitar pro

The Westones and Vantages are lesser known then the Aria Pro II series, which, even in England, are legendary (SB-1000, SB-700 all heard throughout the '80s in the hands of Jack Bruce, John Taylor, Bruce Foxton, the dude from Haircut 100, you name it). Unless you know absolutely nothing about bass, anything made in the Matsumoku factory in Japan from 1979-1986 or 1987 are some of the best built basses and instruments ever made. I was bidding on a Thunder Jet in the end and some one had a higher maximum bid on it - just lost out! Would have been a bargain.

Buy westone guitar